High Top Sneakers Series

by Janice Cummings

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About the Book

Love On The Run

LoveOnTheRun-eBOOK-Cover-172x300 Trinelle Patterson had always been a runner. She ran miles and miles each day to escape the chaos of living with her alcoholic mother. She ran right into a bad marriage that kept her battered, beaten and bruised for years. Yes, she was banged up, but her spirit remained unbroken. No amount of abuse could take away her hopes, her dreams, and plans for the life that she knew she would one day build for herself. Today is that day. Today is the day that she has dreamed of on so many lonely, pain filled, tear stained nights. This is the day that she must escape her captor. She will finally attempt to free herself forever from her constant tormentor. Does she have the courage? Can she find the strength and the faith to run, just one more time? Follow Trinelle’s suspense filled journey as she attempts to run one final leg of a race to win her freedom. Losing can not be an option. Her very life, her soul, and her spirit are at stake. * Each paperback book comes with a beautiful bookmark to match the book cover.


About the Author

Janice Cummings

author Janice CummingsJanice Cummings is an award winning educator and accomplished author. She taught students for 30 years in the Orange County Public School System. One of her greatest joys lies in the knowledge that she gave hundreds of students a gift that never ends – the ability to read. After 30 years of dedicated service to the children of Orange County Public Schools, Janice retired. Instead of riding off into the sunset years of retirement, and leisurely reading, she has chosen to pursue another burning passion of hers – writing. Janice is an inspirational author. She has written poetry, songs, and short stories for children and adults. Her debut novel is titled “Love on the Run.” The novel tells the story of one woman’s life lessons learned in the face of oppression and adversity. It recounts her journey towards freedom, friendship and finding the true meaning of love against all odds. When she’s not writing, Janice enjoys spending time with family and friends, and traveling with her beloved husband, Bill.

Love On The Run book

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Awesome Book Reviews!

This is such a great book to read from beginning to end. Very clean language. This is a great book considering this is the first novel by the author.

Diana J. Joseph Review from Love On The Run (High-Top Sneakers Series) [Kindle Edition]

One of the best books I’ve read. I would recommend this book to every woman. We all know someone or will meet someone who can personally relate to the main character in the story. It’s a great story about a real life issue.

William Crooms Review from: Love on the Run (High-Top Sneakers Series)(Paperback)

Captivating! Read the first few pages and couldn’t put it down! I can’t wait to read the next one and find out what happens!

Rachel P. Concannon Review from: Love on the Run (High-Top Sneakers Series)(Kindle Edition)

The writer uses the characters to capture your attention, then twists and turns events to keep you actively engaged. The main character’s plight serves as inspiration since problem solving skills can be applied to any given situation. Being able to identify with more than one character allows much more insight and depth from different perspectives. I look forward to what the author has to share in the future.

Irene G.

High Top Sneakers